- Milestone1 (month 6). Video descriptors release 1 for toolchain identification: release of refined video content features (e.g. DCT coefficients, macroblock types, …) for toolchain identification in an open world scenario (ST2.A).
Deliverable 01 Month 06
- Milestone2. (month 9) Media AI-based descriptors release 1 for synthetic image identification: release of AI-based media descriptors for synthetic image identification (both pre- and post-social media sharing) (ST 2.B), and relevant synthetic image dataset using the most successful GAN models available (ST 3.B); first update to the signature framework (ST 1.A).
Deliverable 02 Month 09
- Milestone3. (month 12) Video descriptors release 2 for toolchain identification: release of an updated version of the advanced video codec features proposed in M1 that can be combined with available container-based feature (ST. 2.A), and possibly of those features extracted from a well known or a new forensic dataset (ST. 3.A).
Deliverable 03 Month 12
- Milestone4. (month 18) Media AI-based descriptors release 2 for partially deep-generated video identification: release of AI-based media descriptors for identifying video sequences partially modified via last generation AI-based post processing (ST 2.B), and relevant data collection (ST 3.A); release of audio container descriptors (ST 2.A).
Expected Delivery: April 15th 2024
- Milestone5. (month 23) Final Evaluation: release of social network user profiling dataset (ST 3.A); evaluation in the addressed scenarios, involving the improved signature extraction scheme capable of categorizing toolchains under multiple aspects (ST 1.A); release of an updated version of the Demonstrator developed in Phase II.
Expected Delivery: September 15th 2024
- Milestone 1: Attack Definition (Month 2). Define two scenarios in which RED techniques will be applied. At a minimum, each scenario should identify the following: the information domains and target(s) of the deception (examples: media, code, ML system, or others), at least two distinct deception toolchain families anticipated for study, examples of adversaries who might use the attack, and the protocol to be used for validation of the reverse engineering techniques. Identify existing approaches that could serve as a baseline for comparison against RED approaches along with weaknesses in the existing baselines.
Deliverable 01 Month 2
- Milestone 2: Data Curation & Metric Development (Month 4). Curate datasets and existing attack toolchains to support development and evaluation. Create sufficient attack instances to support compelling feasibility demonstrations in later milestones. Performers should assume that an upstream process provides detections of the adversarial manipulation, but that the upstream process produces some level of false alarms. As data requirements may depend on the proposed scenario, proposers should clearly specify and justify what data and how much will be developed. Develop metrics to quantify the performance of the toolchain signature approach.
Deliverable 02 Month 4
- Milestone 3: Initial RED Signature Feasibility (Month 6). Demonstrate initial results by generating signatures for one toolchain family from each scenario. Evaluate the performance of the approach using the metrics developed in Month 4. Compare to one or more baseline approaches.
Deliverable 03 Month 6
- Miletone 4: Revised RED Signature Feasibility (Month 9). Demonstrate results by generating signatures for multiple toolchain families drawn from scenarios defined in Month 2, including one or more previously unknown variants. Show improved performance using the proposed metrics.
Deliverable 04 Month 9
- Milestone 5: Phase 1 Final Report (Month 10). Provide a Phase 1 final report describing the technical approach developed and significant technical accomplishments.
Deliverable 05 Month 10
Phase 2 – Signature Indexing and Scaling, (Months 11 – 18)
- Milestone 6: Scaling Proof of Concept Definition (Month 11). Define a method for indexing attack signatures, using results from Phase 1 as initial entries for a proof of concept demonstration illustrating scalable search capabilities.
Deliverable 06 Month 11
Phase 2 – Signature Indexing and Scaling, (Months 11 – 18)
Expected Delivery: August 30th 2021
- Milestone 7: Initial Scaling Proof of Concept (Month 13). Demonstrate the ability to automatically analyze a novel attack from a known toolchain family, produce a toolchain signature, populate the signature index, and cross index with existing toolchains.
Deliverable 07 Month 13
- Milestone 8: Revised Scaling Proof of Concept (Month 17). Demonstrate the ability to automatically analyze a novel attack from an unknown toolchain family, produce a toolchain signature, populate the signature index, and cross index with existing toolchains. Conduct a study to characterize techniques’ abilities to scale.
Expected Delivery: February 28th 2022
- Milestone 9: Phase II Final Report (Month 18). Provide a Phase 2 final report describing the technical approach and accomplishments over the life of the effort.
Expected Delivery: March 30th 2022
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